In-browser geospatial data in Python
Building a web application using Pyscript and Folium
Mietniveaustufen in Deutschland
packages = [
# import the library
import folium
from folium import plugins
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyodide.http import open_url
#data = (np.random.normal(size=(100, 3)) * np.array([[1, 1, 1]]) + np.array([[48, 5, 1]]) ).tolist()
data = [
[52.5766, 13.5797, 3], # Ahrensfelde
[52.5373, 14.5123, 1], # Alt T
[51.9168, 14.0149, 2], # Alt Z
[51.65, 14.0333, 1],
[52.9623, 13.8072, 2],
[52.565, 13.7281, 1],
[52.1833, 13.43, 2], # Am Mellensee
[53.015, 13.9992, 2], # Angermünde
[52.1333, 12.6, 2],
[52.7873, 14.0304, 1],
[51.5183, 13.3946, 1],
[52.2833, 14.0667, 2],
[52.9561, 11.949, 1],
[52.05, 13.5, 2],
[52.2381, 12.9714, 3],
[52.3127, 13.0261, 5], #MD
[52.2722, 13.0167, 2], #Seddiner See
m = folium.Map([52.4, 13.2], zoom_start=8)
draw = plugins.Draw(export=True)
# Karte anzeigen