- folium

Pyscript Folium Test Web App

In-browser geospatial data in Python

Building a web application using Pyscript and Folium

View web app parameters
View weather and geospatial data
# libraries import folium from js import document, Element from pyodide import create_proxy def getMap(event): document.getElementById("geomap").innerHTML = "" input_lat = document.getElementById("lat").value input_long = document.getElementById("lon").value latitude = float(input_lat) longitude = float(input_long) m = folium.Map( location=[latitude,longitude], tiles="OpenStreetMap", zoom_start=12 ) folium.Marker( [latitude,longitude], popup=folium.Popup(max_width=650) ).add_to(m) pyscript.write("geomap",m) button = document.getElementById("userinput") button.addEventListener("click", create_proxy(getMap))